Youth in transition

In 2014, CLC expanded its advocacy to serve youth returning to society from out of home placement.  CLC provides these youth with direct services including legal representation and education advocacy, advocacy for policy changes to better serve the youth, and accepting referrals from the Department of Youth Services, local courts and social service agencies throughout the state of Ohio and Northern Kentucky.   

Stop Solitary for Ohio Youth

There is no law in Ohio which prohibits the placement of kids in solitary confinement in juvenile or adult facilitiesKids as young 10 may be kept in cells no larger than a bathroom without windows for 22+ hours a day. Youth in solitary confinement are often denied meaningful programming, education and recreation contributing to poor outcomes. We are committed to eliminating the practice of secluding youth in Ohio.


Juvenile Justice jeopardy

Juvenile Justice Jeopardy engages youth in important conversations about the juvenile justice system, and the potential consequences of their actions. This scenario based game teaches youth how to navigate critical interactions with law enforcement, educators and peers. It helps youth visualize specific situations and prepare for future interactions with law enforcement.       

                                                                                            CRIME VICTIM PROJECT

The Crime Victim Project provides legal services to youth victims of family, dating and domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and a variety of other types of crimes. The primary goal of the Project is to provide legal services to youth who need assistance because of the crime committed against them. Attorneys working on the Project are also appointed in felony sexual and physical abuse cases to represent the victim’s needs throughout the criminal trial process. 


In 2020, Children’s Law Center (CLC), in conjunction with the Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, implemented the Opioid Project to specifically serve Northern Kentucky children impacted by substance abuse. The Opioid Project uses a multidisciplinary response by dedicating an attorney and a social worker who work collaboratively to provide holistic and trauma informed services for children.


KEYS to a Future Without Youth Homelessness (KEYS) is the comprehensive community plan to end youth homelessness, written by community stakeholders with leadership from Strategies to End Homelessness and Lighthouse Youth & Family Services. As of 2019, the Children’s Law Center became a funded partner of KEYS through HUD and has since worked through this program to combat legal barriers to housing faced by youth ages 18-24 in partnership with several youth-serving shelters. CLC helms this effort to remove legal barriers to housing by hosting open office hours at local youth shelters, accepting direct referrals from case managers, hosting clinics to assist and educate youth in legal matters, representing youth in sealing and expunging records which prevent them from securing housing, assisting youth.


In 2018, the Children’s Law Center implemented a project called the Child Centered Mediation Program. This program is specifically designed to serve those who are unlikely to have counsel or, if they do have counsel, would be unlikely to be able to afford mediation. Its purpose is to provide mediation services to families involved in high conflict custody disputes with a specific focus on the child or children. It aims to reduce family conflict resulting from a custody dispute and the long term negative effects of that conflict on the health of the child.

Youth In Adult court storytelling project

Research has shown that youth transferred to adult court and facilities suffer long-lasting damage that can make it even more difficult for them to successfully re-enter society after their release. CLC reached out to youth who had gone through the bind over process and their families to hear their stories. Readers can access these stories, and others that we continue to receive through our story collection project, In Their Own Words.                                                 


SpotLight on Youth

Spotlight On Youth is a radio show, hosted by the Children's Law Center, that focuses on social and legal trends impacting the rights and well being of youth across the country